4.62 MailboxSmarThru Configuration provides you direct and convenient access tothe following configuration items:System Options Allows you to customise SmarThru systembehaviour to make it friendlier.User Information: Provide here informationabout yourself that presents you to youraddressee. Particularly, it is used in Fax CoverPage Editor to fill User and Company fields incover page.Interface Language: If you have one or moreSmarThru language packs installed on yourcomputer, then you can change SmarThruinterface language.Confirmation Dialogs: Allows you to control theappearance of corresponding warning orconfirmation dialogues.Digest Options Digest is an HTML file that contains part(s) of themessage(s) that is selected to add to digest. Youcan customise the message parts that are addedto the digest. Appears only when the SmarThrumessage service activates.Internet Gate SmarThru sends and receives e-mail messages bymeans of Internet Gate. If Internet gate isdisabled, you cannot perform an operation thatconcerns e-mail communication. To use e-mailservice, you have to enable and properlyconfigure the Internet gate.Internet Connection: Allows you to customiseInternet connection. Consult your systemadministrator or Internet service provider on thissubject.Options: You can customise incoming andoutgoing mail options such as mail check time.Anti-Spam: This option prevents you fromreceiving e-mail from specified addresses.Secure Mail: SmarThru provides you withCertificate Manager that allows you to acquire,import, export and configure certificates.