Health and Safety Information180adequate signal strength. Emergency calls may notbe possible on all wireless phone networks or whencertain network services and/or phone features arein use. Check with local service providers.To make an emergency call:1. If the phone is not on, switch it on.2. Key in the emergency number for your presentlocation (for example, 911 or other officialemergency number). Emergency numbers varyby location.3. Press the key.If certain features are in use (call barring, forexample), you may first need to deactivate thosefeatures before you can make an emergency call.Consult this document and your local cellular serviceprovider.When making an emergency call, remember to giveall the necessary information as accurately aspossible. Remember that your phone may be theonly means of communication at the scene of anaccident; do not cut off the call until givenpermission to do so.Other Important Safety Information♦Only qualified personnel should service the phoneor install the phone in a vehicle. Faulty installation orservice may be dangerous and may invalidate anywarranty applicable to the device.♦Check regularly that all wireless phone equipmentin your vehicle is mounted and operating properly.