Messages90Note: To clear or clear all your input, press or pressand hold the C key. When you have no input,press and hold the C key to move to theprevious screen.To send the message to multiple destinations upto 5, press the Add soft key and repeat step 4.5. When you have finished entering the numbers,press the Ok soft key.6. If the Enter centre screen displays, enter theservice number and press the Ok soft key.You can store the SMS service centre number. Fordetails, see page 109.Note: When the phone fails to send the message;Press the Retry soft key to try again thetransmission. Or, press the No soft key and theSave soft key to save the message or exit themenu by pressing the No soft key.InboxYour phone receives incoming messages and savesthem in the Inbox. SMS is usually saved in the SIMcard, but if the SIM memory is full, the incomingmessages will be saved in the phone’s memory.When the Inbox menu is selected, the list ofmessages received displays with the:• sender’s phone number, or name if stored inPhonebook.• message status; for a read message, for amessage to read or for an incompletemessage.Messages91To view a message, scroll to it and press the Selectsoft key. The screen shows the:• date and time when the message was received.• memory where the message was stored; forthe SIM card or for the phone’s memory.• message contents.You can scroll to the next or previous message bypressing the Left or Right key.To scroll through the message contents, press theUp or Down key. When you focus on an object thatincludes a melody, the melody is played.You can choose the following options by pressingthe Options soft key:Delete: allows you to delete the message.Message reply: allows you to reply by sending amessage.Call back: allows you to call the sender back.Cut address: extracts phone numbers, emailaddresses or URL addresses in the text, so that youcan call the number or send a message to thenumber or save it in your Phonebook.Send: allows you to send the message to anotherperson.Edit: allows you to edit the message.Extract media: you can save media (except thepredefined EMS animations and sounds) from themessage into Media box. You can use these itemswhen writing a message; for further details, seepage 89.