68Menu functions• Effects: change the colour tone or apply a specialeffect to photos to be taken in normal mode.• Frames: apply a decorative frame to photos to betaken in normal mode.• Flash: determine the flash use.• Timer: set a time delay before the camera takes aphoto.• Go to photos: go to the Photos folder.• Settings: change the default settings for taking aphoto.Size: select an image size.Quality: select an image quality setting.Viewfinder mode: select a preview screen.Shutter sound: select the sound that you hearwhen you press the shutter release, [ ].• Short cuts: view the functions of the keys you canuse.Using the keypad in Capture modeYou can use the keypad to customise your camerasettings in Capture mode.Key FunctionFlips the image vertically.Shows the mirror image./ Determines the flash use when held down.Left/RightAdjusts the brightness of the image.Up/DownZooms in or out.1 Switches to Record mode.p. 702 Changes the image size.3 Changes the image quality.4 Changes the camera mode.5 Changes the colour tone or applies a specialeffect to the photo.