Messaging 98• Roaming auto-retrieve: allows the message system toretrieve messages automatically when roaming.• Creation mode: allows you to select the creation mode, Free,Restricted, or Warning.– Restricted: you can only create and submit messages withcontent belonging to the Core MM Content Domain.– Warning: the phone will warn you via pop up messages thatyou are creating a multimedia message which does not fit theCore MM Content Domain.– Free: you may add any content to the message.• MMS alert: allows you to receive an alert when MMS modebecomes active.Display:• Bubble style: allows you to choose from several bubble stylesfor your messages. Bubbles are the rounded boxes thatsurround each message.• Background style: allows you to choose from severalbackground styles for your messages.• Use the volume key: allows you to change the text size byusing the up or down volume keys.Push message settings:• Push messages: allows you to receive push messages fromthe network.• Service loading: Select Always, Prompt or Never.Cell Broadcast (CB) settings:• CB activation: allows you to receive Cell Broadcast (CB)messages.• Channel configuration: allows you to set up the channel thatyou will receive CB messages on.Notifications settings:• Notifications: allows you to see message notifications onyour status bar.• Select ringtone: allows you to set the ringtone for yourmessage notifications.• Vibrate: allows you to configure the vibration modeassociated with message alerts.• Message alert repetition: allows you to set the interval fornew message alerts. Choose from: Once, Every 2 minutes,or Every 10 minutes.• Preview message: when enabled, allows you to view apreview of new message text on the Status bar.Signature settings: