Contacts and Your Address Book 641. From the Home screen, tap Contacts .2. Tap a contact name (the name you want to join toanother entry). Note: typically this is the same contactwith a different name or account information.3. Press ➔ Join contact.The contact list is displayed.Note: Only contacts stored on your phone can be joined.4. Tap the second contact entry (the entry in which to join).The second contact is now joined with the first and theaccount information is merged into one screen.Note: The information is still maintained in both entries, butdisplays in one record for easier viewing when you jointhe contacts.5. Tap area under the Connection bar to view the contactinformation you joined. The contacts and informationdisplays with an icon next to the contact name toindicate what type of account information is contained inthe entry.Separating Joined Contact Information1. From the Home screen, tap Contacts .2. Tap a contact name (the account name from which youwant to unlink an entry). Note: typically this is the samecontact with a different name or account information.3. Tap the area under the Connection bar.4. Tap the minus sign next to the entry that you wantto separate. The contact is now separated and no longerdisplays in the merged record screen.Marking a Contact as DefaultWhen you use messaging type applications, the applicationneeds to know which information is primary (default) in acontact entry list. For example, you may have three differentcontact records for John Smith, so the application will belooking for the “default” number or entry.1. From the Home screen, tap Contacts .2. Tap a Contact name.3. Press ➔ Mark as default. The Mark as defaultscreen displays radio buttons next to the contact namesor phone numbers of all the linked contacts. The radiobutton next to the default contact will be green.