150memory status. It can also be used to terminate processes andapplications.1. From the Home screen, tap Task manager .2. The Task Manager options are located at the top of thescreen. The following options are available:• Active applications: displays all of the applications that arepresently running on your phone. Tap Exit to end an application,or tap Exit all to end all running applications.• Downloaded displays any installed packages or applications fromAndroid Market that are taking up memory space. Tap Uninstall toremove them from your phone.• RAM, displays the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory)currently being used and allow you to Clear memory.• Storage: displays a summary of your device’s storage (used andavailable).• Help: displays information on how to extend battery life.VideosThe Video Player application plays video files stored on yourmemory card. For more information, refer to “Videos” on page 59.Voice RecorderThe Voice Recorder allows you to record an audio file and play itback or send it in a message. Maximum recording time will varybased on the available memory within the phone.1. From the Home screen, tap Voice Recorder .2. To start recording, tap and speak into themicrophone.3. During the recording process you can tap Stop tostop and save the recording or Pause to temporarilyhalt the recording. After pausing, tap to resumerecording. When you stop the audio recording, the messageis automatically saved. Tap to cancel the recordingwithout saving.4. Tap to display a list of all your voice recordings.Tap a voice recording to play it.5. Press to display the following options:• Share: allows you to share your recording using Bluetooth, Email,Gmail, Messaging, or Wi-Fi.• Delete: allows you to delete 1 or more voice recordings. Tap therecordings to delete and tap Delete.• Rename: allows you to rename your recordings.• Settings: the following settings are available:– Storage: allows you to choose where your recordings will be saved.Select between Phone or memory card.RecordStopPauseRecordCancelList