12communicationInbox iconsIn the Inbox, you may see the following icons nextto your messages:Outbox statusWhen you are outside your service area or haveno connection to the network or email server,your messages will remain in the Outbox folderuntil you re-establish a connection. The Outboxstatus explains why a message is being held inthe Outbox folder:• Sending: the device is connecting and themessage will be sent immediately• Waiting: the message is in cue behindanother message and will be sent as soon aspossible• Resend at (time): the message has failed tosend and will be sent at the specified time• Deferred: the message has been scheduledto send at a later time• Failed: the device has attempted to send themessage multiple times, but has failedIcon DescriptionUnread text messageMultimedia message notificationUnread multimedia messageUnread smart messageUnread service messageData received via a BluetoothconnectionUnknown message type