33media6. Enter a text to insert.7. Press the Confirm key and relocate the text.To change the font size or colour for the text,press <Options> → an option.8. When you are finished, press <Done>.9. Press the Confirm key at the point where youwant the text to be disappeared.10.Press <Options> → Save.11.Enter a new file name for the video and press<OK>.After saving the new video, the device playsthe video automatically.Add audio to a video1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → Media →Video Editor → Edit video.2. Select a video file.3. Press <Options> → Audio and choose oneof the following options:• Audio dubbing: Add one of the soundsyou have saved.• Live dubbing: Add audio by recording anew sound.4. Press <Options> → Play.5. Press the Confirm key, and select a sound orstart recording at the point where you want toadd a sound.6. Press the Confirm key at the point where youwant to stop adding the sound.7. Press <Options> → Settings and changethe properties for saving the video file, suchas image quality, name prefix, and storagelocation.8. When you are finished, press <Back> →<Options> → Save.9. Enter a new file name for the video and press<OK>.After saving the new video, the device playsthe video automatically.Make a slideshowYou can combine photos to make a slideshowwith your favourite photos.1. In Standby mode, press [ ] → Media →Video Editor → Movie maker.2. Select the photos you want and press<Done>.