Messages97Outbox (Menu 5.2.2)When you access this menu, the list of multimediamessages that you have sent or saved displays. Theicons on the left tell you the status of eachmessage.• : Messages currently being sent• : Messages sent• : Messages your phone couldn’t send• : Messages to be sent• : Messages deferred1. Select a message on the list and press theSelect soft key or key.The message displays and scrolls to the nextpage, if it has one, after a specified time.2. Press the OK soft key or key to go to themessage view screen.Or, the display automatically switches to thescreen.3. To scroll through the message, press the Up orDown key.If the message has more than one page, youcan scroll through the pages by pressing the Leftor Right key.4. To scroll to the previous or next message, pressthe or key.