Messages113Memory status (Menu 5.2.7)You can check the amount of memory being usedand the amount remaining for multimediamessages.The display shows the number of messages youhave stored and the total number of messages youcan store, as well as the amount of Total and Freememory. Pressing the Next soft key shows the totalamount of Used memory and the amount ofmemory in use in each message box.Settings (Menu 5.2.8)You can change the default settings for sending orreceiving multimedia messages.The following options are available:Delivery report: when this option is enabled, thenetwork informs you whether or not your messagehas been delivered.Read reply: when this option is enabled, yourphone sends a request for a reply along with yourmessage to the recipient.Auto download: you can set whether or not yourphone retrieves new incoming messages from theMMS server without notifications.Off: you need to manually download new messagesby using the Retrieve option.On: the phone automatically retrieves newmessages from the server. As soon as you receive amessage you can use more options while you arereading. See page 105 for further details about theoptions.