Funbox1245. Enter a name for the player and press thekey or key.6. To start the game, press the 5 key or key.7. Press the 3 key and select a club.8. Press the 1 key and then select direction of thestroke by pressing the Left or Right key.Note: You can check the course by pressing theUp or Down key.9. Press the 5 or key to select the stroke powerlevel, and press the 5 or key when the whiteline is near the “0” mark.Sounds (Menu 6.2)In this menu, you can view the list of soundsdownloaded from a Web server or received inmultimedia messages. You can set the downloadedsounds as the current ring tone or send them toother phones.Scroll to the sound you want to listen and press thePlay soft key or key.By pressing the Options soft key or key, you canuse the following options:Rename: allows you to change the name of thesound.Delete: allows you to delete the sound.Set as Ring Tone: sets the sound as your ringtone.