105RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn104RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnPUKThe PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) is required tochange a blocked PIN. The PUK may be supplied withthe SIM card. If not, contact your local serviceprovider.If you key in an incorrect PUK ten times insuccession, the SIM card cannot be used anymore.Contact your service provider for a new card.You cannot change the PUK. If you lose it, contactyour service provider.PUK2The PUK2, supplied with some SIM cards, is requiredto change a blocked PIN2.If you key in an incorrect PUK2 ten times insuccession, you cannot use the functions requiringthe PIN2. Contact your service provider for a newcard.You cannot change the PUK2. If you lose it, contactyour service provider.PINThe PIN (Personal Identification Number) protectsyour SIM card against unauthorised use. The PIN isusually supplied with the SIM card. When the PINCheck feature is enabled (menu option 4-3-1), thePIN is needed each time the phone is switched on.If you key in an incorrect PIN three times insuccession, key in the PUK and press the OK soft key.Key in a new PIN and press the OK soft key. Key inthe new PIN again and press the OK soft key.PIN2The PIN2, supplied with some SIM cards, is requiredto access specific functions, such as call costcounters. These functions are only available ifsupported by your SIM card.If you key in an incorrect PIN2 three times insuccession, key in the PUK2 and press the OK softkey. Key in a new PIN2 and press the OK soft key.Key in the new PIN2 again and press the OK softkey.