You should also consult the manufacturer of anyequipment that has been added to your vehicle.Posted FacilitiesSwitch off your phone in any facility where postednotices so require.Potentially Explosive AtmospheresSwitch off your phone when in any area with apotentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signsand instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause anexplosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or evendeath.Users are advised to switch off the phone while at arefueling point (service station). Users are remindedof the need to observe restrictions on the use ofradio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage anddistribution areas), chemical plants or where blastingoperations are in progress.Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere areoften but not always clearly marked. They includebelow deck on boats; chemical transfer or storagefacilities; vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas(such as propane or butane); areas where the aircontains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dustor metal powders; and any other area where youwould normally be advised to turn off your vehicleengine.RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn115with the independent research by and recommen-dations of Wireless Technology Research.Persons with pacemakers:• Should always keep the phone more than 6inches (15cm) from their pacemaker when thephone is switched on;• Should not carry the phone in a breast pocket;• Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker tominimize the potential for interference.• If you have any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place, switch off yourphone immediately.Hearing AidsSome digital wireless phones may interfere withsome hearing aids. In the event of such interference,you may want to consult your hearing aidmanufacturer to discuss alternatives.Other Medical DevicesIf you use any other personal medical devices,consult the manufacturer of your device to determineif they are adequately shielded from external RFenergy. Your physician may be able to assist you inobtaining this information. Switch off your phone inhealth care facilities when any regulations posted inthese areas instruct you to do so.Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be using equipment that could besensitive to external RF energy.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles. Check with the manufacturer or itsrepresentative regarding your vehicle.RReeffeerreennccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn114