153• Edit bookmark: Allows you to edit the name or URL of thebookmark. For more information, refer to “Editing Bookmarks”on page 153.• Add shortcut to Home: Adds a shortcut to the bookmarkedwebpage to your phone’s Home screen.• Share link: Allows you to share a URL address via Bluetooth,Facebook, Email, Gmail, or Messaging.• Copy link URL: Allows you to copy the URL address to use in amessage.• Delete bookmark: Allows you to delete a bookmark. For moreinformation, refer to “Deleting Bookmarks” on page 153.• Set as homepage: Sets the bookmark to your new homepage.Adding Bookmarks1. From the Home webpage, tap ➔ Add.2. Use the on-screen keypad to enter the name of thebookmark and the URL.3. Assign a folder location. Home is the default.4. Tap OK. The new save page now appears on theBookmarks page.Editing Bookmarks1. From the Bookmarks page, touch and hold the bookmarkyou want to edit.2. Tap Edit bookmark.3. Use the on-screen keypad to edit the name of thebookmark or the URL.4. Tap OK.Deleting Bookmarks1. From the Bookmarks page, touch and hold the bookmarkyou want to delete.2. Tap Delete bookmark.3. At the confirmation window, tap OK.Emptying the CookiesA cookie is a small file placed on your phone by a website duringnavigation. In addition to containing some site-specificinformation, a cookie can also contain some personal information(such as a username and password) which might pose a securityrisk if not properly managed. You can clear these cookies fromyour phone at any time.1. From the Home webpage, press and then tapMore ➔ Settings ➔ Clear all cookie data.2. Tap OK to delete the cookies or tap Cancel to exit.