59Having a Private Conversation With One ParticipantWhen you have two participantsin a multi-party session, itmight be necessary to placeone of those participants onhold so that a privateconversation can be held with asingle caller. While you are in amulti-party call:1. Tap Manage (indicated bythe image on the screen).2. Tap adjacent tothe participants youwould like to split fromthe current call. The list displays the callers in the orderthey were dialed.3. Tap the number for the participant in which you want tospeak privately.You can now talk privately to that person while the otherparticipants can continue to converse with each other. Ifthere is only one other participant, that person is placed onhold.4. To return to the multi-party call, tap the Join icon. All of themulti-party call participants can now hear each other.Dropping One Participant1. Tap Manage ➔ to the right of the number to drop acaller. The participant is disconnected and you cancontinue the call with the remaining participant.2. Tap to end the current call.Manage a Call Split call End call