Warranty Information 251We will provide you with an opportunity to giveyour consent in relation to your use of theService. Separate from such consent, youraccess or use of the Service will be construed asyour acceptance of the Privacy Policy and of ourcollection, use, disclosure, management andstorage of your personal information asdescribed below. We may, from time to time,transfer or merge any personal informationcollected off-line to our online databases or storeoff-line information in an electronic format. Wemay also combine personal information wecollect online with information available fromother sources, including information receivedfrom our affiliates, marketing companies, oradvertisers. This Privacy Policy covers all suchpersonal information and will remain in full forceand effect as long as you are a user of theService, even if your use of or participation inany particular service, feature, function orpromotional activity terminates, expires, ceases,is suspended or deactivated for any reason.INFORMATION THAT WECOLLECTPersonal InformationWe may request that you supply us with"personal" information, such as your name,e-mail address, mailing address, home or worktelephone number in the course of you accessingor using the Service, such as via registrationforms, surveys, and polls. In each such case, youwill know what categories of information wecollect because you will actively provide theinformation to us. You may not be able to fullyutilize all of the features or components of theService if you choose not to provide certaininformation. If you do choose to give us personalinformation through the Service, we will collectand retain that information.Non-Personal InformationWhen you use the Service, we may also collect"non-personal" information. We consider"non-personal information" to be informationthat, by itself, cannot be used to identify orcontact you personally, such as demographicinformation (your age, gender, income,education, profession, zip code, etc.).Non-personal information may also includetechnical information, such as your IP addressand other anonymous data involving your use ofthe Service.Non-personal information may also includeinformation that you provide us through your useof the Service, such as the terms you enter intothe search functions of Social Hub, mail inboxand instant messenger. We reserve the right touse or disclose non-personal information in anyway we see fit.