26For more details on configuring your phone’ssettings, see “Changing Your Settings” onpage 183Displays when the Wi-Fi calling featureis active.Displays when the Wi-Fi calling featureis in use and a call is currently active.Displays when the Portable Wi-FiHotspot feature is active andcommunicating. For more information,refer to “Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot” onpage 176.Displays when the USB Tetheringfeature is active and communicating.For more information, refer to“Tethering” on page 185.Displays when your phone isconnected to a PC using Kies air.Displays when your phone isconnected to a Digital Living NetworkAlliance (DLNA) certified device usingthe AllShare application.Displays in the notifications windowwhen a song is currently playing.Displays when your phone’s GPS is onand communicating.Displays when the external SD card(internal microSD) has beendisconnected (unmounted) from thephone and is now ready for eitherremoval or formatting.Displays when the contents of themicroSD card are being scanned.Displays when the External SD card isbeing prepared for mounting to thedevice. This is required forcommunication with the External SDcard.Displays when the phone’s microSDcard has been improperly removed.Displays when the phone has detectedan active USB connection and is in aUSB Debugging mode.Displays when Power saving mode isenabled.Displays when the Power saving alertnotification has been activated. You arethen prompted to view your currentbattery level.