42TetrisTetris® is a puzzle video game in whichfalling tetrominoes must be manipulatedto form complete lines, which are thencleared from the grid. For moreinformation, refer to “Tetris” on page 158.Video ChatAllows you to record and share live videoson your device with your friends, family,and your favorite social networks. Formore information, refer to “Video Chat”on page 158.VideosLaunches your device’s built-in videoapplication that plays video files stored onyour microSD card.For more information, refer to “Using theVideo Player” on page 125.Visual VoicemailVisual Voicemail enables users to view alist of people who left a voicemailmessage, and listen to the any messagethey want without being limited tochronological order.For more information, refer to “VisualVoicemail” on page 18.Voice RecorderAllows you to record an audio file up to oneminute long and then immediately send itas a message. For more information, referto “Voice Recorder” on page 159.Voice SearchLaunches your phone’s built-in voicerecognition software and initiates aGoogle search based on the recognizedtext. For more information, refer to “VoiceSearch” on page 159.WebOpen the browser to start surfing the web.The browser is fully optimized and comeswith advanced functionality to enhancethe Internet browsing feature on yourphone.For more information, refer to “Internet”on page 162.Wi-Fi CallingProvides the ability to use your availableWi-Fi data connection to make outboundcalls that count against your phoneminutes. Similar to VOIP (Voice Over IP).For more information, refer to “Wi-FiCalling” on page 59.