Call Functions and Contacts List 592. Tap adjacent to the participants youwould like to split from the current multi-linecall. The list displays the callers in the orderthey were dialed.3. Tap the participant to which you want to speakprivately. You can now talk privately to thatperson while the other participants cancontinue to converse with each other. If there isonly one other participant, that person isplaced on hold.4. To return to the multi-party call, tap the Mergeicon. All of the multi-party call participants cannow hear each other.Dropping One Participant1. Press and then tap Manage conferencecall.2. Tap to the right of the number to drop.The participant is disconnected and you cancontinue the call with the other participant.3. Tap to end your conversation with theremaining caller.Call WaitingYou can answer an incoming call while you have acall in progress, if this service is supported by thenetwork and you have previously set the Call waitingoption to Activate.You are notified of an incoming call by a call waitingtone. For more information, refer to “ConfiguringAdditional Voice Call Settings” on page 170.To answer a new call while you have a call in progress:1. In a single motion, touch and slide tothe right to answer the new incoming call.2. Tap an option from the on-screen menu:• Putting XX on hold to place the previous caller onhold while you answer the new incoming call.• Ending call with XXX to end the previous call andanswer the new call.Note: The new caller appears at the top of the list. The previouscaller is placed on hold and appears at the bottom of thelist.3. Tap Swap to switch between the two calls.This places the new caller on hold andactivates the previous call.Important!: The currently active call is displayed with a greenbackground.4. Tap Swap again to switch back.Split EndCaller CallEnd