88Section 7: MessagingThis section describes how to send or receivedifferent types of messages. It also explains thefeatures and functionality associated with messaging.Types of MessagesYour phone provides the following message types:• Text Messages• Multimedia (Picture, Video, and Audio) Messages• Email and Gmail Messages• Google TalkMessage Icons on the Status BarIcons are displayed on the Status Bar at the top of thedisplay when new messages are received. For moreinformation, refer to “Status Bar” on page 20.Creating and Sending MessagesThe Short Message Service (SMS) lets you send andreceive text messages to and from other mobilephones or email addresses. To use this feature, youmay need to subscribe to your service provider’smessage service.The Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) lets yousend and receive multimedia messages (such aspicture, video, and audio messages) to and from othermobile phones or email addresses. To use thisfeature, you may need to subscribe to your serviceprovider’s multimedia message service.Important!: When creating a message, adding an image, asound file, or a video clip to a text message changesthe message from a text message to a multimediamessage.Messaging icons are displayed at the top of thescreen and indicate when messages are received andtheir type. For more information, refer to “IndicatorIcons” on page 20.1. From the Home screen, tap (Messaging)➔ (New message).2. Tap the Enter recipient field to manually enter arecipient.– or –Tap to select from one of the following:• Contacts: to select a recipient from your Contacts list(valid entries must have a wireless phone number oremail address).• Recent: to select a recipient from a list of recentlysent messages.• Groups: to select a recipient from the Group list.• Favorites: to select a recipient from the Favorites list.3. If adding a recipient from either Recent,Contacts, or Group, tap the contact to place acheckmark then tap Add. The contact displaysin the recipient field.