172ActivityThe Activity tab displays your current minute and messageactivity. You can view what percentage of minutes were used aswell as the number of messages used for a particular start date.Alerts and EventsFrom this screen you can activate alerts to notify you of thefollowing:• Alert Settings: sets when you would receive alerts for the following:– Minute Usage: tracks the number of minutes used and remaining inyour plan. Minute Usage Reminder: sends an alert when the number ofminutes used reaches 75 percent of the total available minutes in theplan. Over Limit Alert: sends an alert when usage exceeds your plan’stotal available minutes.– Message Usage: tracks the number of messages used and remainingin your plan. If you plan includes unlimited messages this setting doesnot apply.– Data Usage: tracks data used and remaining in your plan. If you planincludes unlimited data usage this setting does not apply.– Payment Reminder: alerts when your bill is due.– Power Saver: sends an alert when the battery level reaches 30percent. The alert displays in the notification window. This alert isautomatically set to On.– Support Alerts: activates/deactivates automated troubleshooting.• Recent Oder Status: Displays details about your recent orders.• Account Events: provides details about your recent accountevents.BillingThis provides a billing summary.PlanThis screen displays specific information and charges for yourcurrent plan and services. The screen also displays additionalservices information and charges. Included categories include:My plan & services, Additional Services, and T-Mobile Offers.My DeviceUse the My Device application to configure device settings, viewsupport information, personalize your CallerTunes, Ringtones, orWallpapers, or view battery storage information.1. From the Home screen, tap (Applications) ➔(My Device).2. Read the on-screen information and tap OK.Tip: Use the Menu key ( ) to toggle between My Account and My Device.