Changing Your Settings 231To change an existing SIM Card PIN:1. Tap Change SIM PIN.2. Enter the old SIM PIN code and tap OK.3. Enter the new SIM PIN code and tap OK.4. Re-type the new SIM PIN code and tap OK.Password SettingsWhen you create a phone password you can also configure thephone to display the password as you type it instead of using anasterisk (*).1. Press ➔ and then tap (Settings) ➔Location and security.2. Tap Visible passwords to activate this feature.Device AdministrationActivating this feature allows Google to administrate your phonein a way similar to IT security settings on a corporate PC. Thiswould be beneficial in the case that your phone was lost orstolen. The phone could be “deactivated” or “restricted” (throughadministration) from a remote location.1. Press ➔ and then tap (Settings) ➔Location and security.2. Tap Select device administrators to begin configuring thissetting.3. Select an administrator device and follow the prompts.Credential StorageThis option allows certain applications to access securecertificates and other credentials. Certificates and credentialscan be installed to the SD card and password protected.1. Press ➔ and then tap (Settings) ➔Location and security.2. Tap Use secure credentials to activate this feature. A checkmark displayed next to the feature indicates securecredentials is active.3. Tap Install from USB storage to install encrypted certificatesfrom the USB Storage location.4. Tap Set password to set or change the credential storagepassword.5. Tap Clear storage to clear the storage (SD card or phonememory) of all contents and reset the credentialspassword.