Using the menus646.1.3 No reply6.1.4 Unreachable6.1.5 Cancel all6.2 Call barring6.2.1 All outgoing6.2.2 International6.2.3 International except to home6.2.4 All incoming6.2.5 Incoming while abroad6.2.6 Cancel all6.2.7 Change barring password6.3 Call waiting6.4 Network selection6.5 Caller ID6.6 Active line*7. Fun box (see page 138)7.1 WWW Services**7.1.1 Home7.1.2 Bookmark7.1.3 Go to URL7.1.4 Clear cache7.1.5 Proxy settings7.1.6 Current proxy7.1.7 Push messages7.2 Media box7.2.1 Images7.2.2 Sounds7.2.3 Delete all7.2.4 Memory status7.3 JAVA world7.3.1 Downloads7.3.2 Internet settings7.3.3 Memory status8. SIM AT (Application Toolkit)** Shown only if it is supported by your SIM card.** May not be shown or supported by your network service pro-vider.