Messages98Profile setting: allows you to set up to five profiles.• Profile name: enter the name of the profile.• Server URL: enter the address of the server.• GSM setting: allows you to change the proxysettings for the GSM network.- Gateway: enter the IP address and IP port.- Data call type: select a network connectiontype between ISDN and Analogue.- Dial number: enter the server phone number.- Login ID: enter the server login ID.- Password: enter the server password.• GPRS setting: allows you to change the proxysettings for the GPRS network.- Gateway: enter the IP address and IP port.- APN: enter the access point name used forthe address of the GPRS network gateway.- Login ID: enter the user ID required to connectto GPRS network.- Password: enter the password required toconnect to the GPRS network.• Bearer: select the bearer to be used for each typeof network access.- GPRS only: only functions on a GPRS network.- GSM only: only functions on a GSM network.