36Menu functionsSetting name: change the name of the settinggroup.• Common settings: the following options areavailable:Reply path: allow recipients to reply to youthrough your SMS server.Delivery reports: set the network to inform youwhen your messages have been delivered.Bearer selection: select either GSM or GPRSpreferred, depending on your network.Character support: select a character encodingtype. If you select Automatic, the phone switchesthe encoding type from GSM-alphabet to Uni-codeif you enter a Unicode character. Use of Unicodeencoding will reduce the maximum number ofcharacters in a message to about half. If this menuis not shown, your phone provides the automaticcharacter encoding by default.Delete all (Menu 5.1.7)Use this menu to delete SMS messages in eachmessage folder all at once.1. Press [ ] to select the message folders to becleared.2. Press <Delete>.3. Press <Yes> twice to confirm the deletion.Memory status (Menu 5.1.8)Use this menu to check the number of SMS messagesyou have stored in each memory location.Voice mail (Menu 5.1.9)Use this menu to store the number of the voicemailserver and access your voicemails.You must enter the voicemail server number beforeaccessing the server. Your service provider can giveyou the number.