52Menu functionsCreating and sending an SMS message1. Enter your message and press [ ].2. Enter a destination number.To send the message to more than one recipient,fill in additional destination fields.3. Press [ ] to send the message.Using options while composing an SMS messageWhile composing a message, press <Options> toaccess the following options:• Save and send: save the message in Sentboxand then send it.• Send only: just send the message.• Insert: add a template, Phonebook entry, orbookmark to text.• Add image/Add animation/Add melody: attacha simple image, an animated image, or a melody.• Attach: attach a name card or calender data as adata format attachment.• Save in: save the message in another messagefolder.• Input language: change the language to be usedin T9 input mode.• Text style: change the text attributes.• Input method: change the text input mode.Multimedia message (Menu 5.1.2)Multimedia Message Service (MMS) delivers messagescontaining a combination of text, image, video, andaudio, from phone to phone or from phone to e-mail.Creating and sending an MMS message1. Select the Subject line.2. Enter the message subject and press [ ].• The maximum number of characters allowedin a message varies by service provider. Ifyour message exceeds the maximum numberof characters, the phone will split themessage.• You can use various options by pressing<Options>.next sectionYou can use various options by pressing<Options> in each field.next section