99Health and safety informationenergy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how muchexposure a person receives, reducing the amount oftime spent using a wireless phone will reduce RFexposure.• “If you must conduct extended conversations bywireless phone every day, you could place moredistance between your body and the source ofthe RF, since the exposure level drops offdramatically with distance. For example, youcould use a headset and carry the wireless phoneaway from your body or use a wireless phoneconnected to a remote antenna.Again, the scientific data do not demonstrate thatwireless phones are harmful. But if you areconcerned about the RF exposure from theseproducts, you can use measures like those describedabove to reduce your RF exposure from wirelessphone use.What about children using wireless phones?The scientific evidence does not show a danger tousers of wireless phones, including children andteenagers. If you want to take steps to lowerexposure to radio frequency energy (RF), themeasures described above would apply to childrenand teenagers using wireless phones. Reducing thetime of wireless phone use and increasing thedistance between the user and the RF source willreduce RF exposure.Some groups sponsored by other nationalgovernments have advised that children bediscouraged from using wireless phones at all. Forexample, the government in the United Kingdomdistributed leaflets containing such arecommendation in December 2000. They notedthat no evidence exists that using a wireless phonecauses brain tumors or other ill effects. Theirrecommendation to limit wireless phone use bychildren was strictly precautionary; it was not basedon scientific evidence that any health hazard exists.Do hands-free kits for wireless phonesreduce risks from exposure to RF emissions?Since there are no known risks from exposure to RFemissions from wireless phones, there is no reasonto believe that hands-free kits reduce risks. Hands-free kits can be used with wireless phones forconvenience and comfort. These systems reduce theabsorption of RF energy in the head because thephone, which is the source of the RF emissions, willnot be placed against the head. On the other hand,if the phone is mounted against the waist or otherpart of the body during use, then that part of thebody will absorb more RF energy. Wireless phonesmarketed in the U.S. are required to meet safetyrequirements regardless of whether they are usedagainst the head or against the body. Eitherconfiguration should result in compliance with thesafety limit.