Menu functions Messaging (Menu 5)65• Edit text/Change file: edit the addedtext, image, video, or sound clip.• Delete text/Delete file: delete theadded text, image, video, or sound clip.• Input method: change the text inputmode.• Input language: change the languageto be used in T9 input mode.• Insert text template: insert a texttemplate.• Save to Drafts: save the message inthe Drafts folder.• Add page: add pages. Move to eachpage by pressing [Left] or [Right].• Move page: move the current pagebackward or forward to change the pageorder.• Delete page: delete a page.• Edit style: change the page properties.- This page: set the page duration andchange font colour and style for theselected page.- All page: change the backgroundcolour and page layout.• Save as template: save the messageas a template in the MMS templatesfolder.File messenger (Menu 5.1.3)Use this menu to send multiple media filesby attaching them to an MMS message.Creating and sending an MMS messagewith files1. Enter the message subject.2. Move to the Message field.3. Enter the message text.4. Move to the Attach files line.5. Press <Options> and select Add files,Add name card, or Add v-calendar.6. Add images, videos, sounds, namecards, or calendar data.7. When you have finished, press [OK].You can use various options by pressing<Options> in each field. next section