Menu functionsCreate new (Menu 5.1)Use this menu to create and send text messages,multimedia messages, or e-mails. You can also sendfiles using MMS.SMS (Menu 5.1.1)Short Message Service (SMS) allows you to send orreceive text messages.1. Enter your message.Press <Options> and select Insert to retrieve atext template, Address book entry, or bookmark.2. Press [OK].3. Enter a destination number.To send the message to more than one recipient,press [Down] and fill in additional destination1. Enter the message subject in the Subject line.2. Select the Text line.3. Enter the message text and press [OK].4. Select the Picture or Video or Audio line.5. Select an image or audio file, press <Add>.6. Press <Options> to access the followingoptions:• Preview: display the message you created.• Edit text/Change file: edit the added text,picture, or sound clip.• Delete text/Delete file: delete the addedtext, picture, or sound clip.• Save to Drafts: save the message in theDrafts box.• Add page: add a page. Move to each pageThe maximum number of characters allowed in ashort message varies by your service provider. Ifyour message exceeds the maximum number ofcharacters, the phone will split the message.The maximum size allowed for an MMSmessage can differ depending on your serviceprovider. If you cannot attach another file,add a new page.