Menu functionsUsing Media player optionsFrom the Media player screen during playback, press<Options> to access the following options:• Pause/Resume: pause or resume playback.• Stop: stop playback.• Send: send the selected file via MMS, e-mail, filemessenger, Bluetooth, or infrared port.• Open play list: display the play list.• Show controller/Hide controller: display orhide the control bar of the Media player.• Details: access the file properties.• Player settings: change the default settings forplaying media files.Play options: select a repeat mode.Volume: select a volume level.Controller: display the control bar of the Mediaplayer.Audio player skin: select a skin image.• VOD settings: select a connection profile to beused for accessing a video streaming server. Youcan also make or edit a profile.p. 42• Key management: manage the licence keysyou have acquired.Using play list optionsFrom the Media player screen, press [Up] to accessthe play list and press <Options> to access thefollowing options:Left Goes to the previous file. Moves backwardin a file when held down.Right Skips to the next file. Skips forward in afile when held down.Up Opens the play list./ Adjusts the volume.Down Stops playback.Key Function