Menu functions54• Start and End: enter the starting and endingtimes for the event.• Start date and End date: enter the startingand ending dates for the event.• Location: enter information about the eventlocation.• Alarm: select to set an alarm for the eventand set the time for the alarm.• Repeat: select to set the event to recur. Youcan select a repeat unit and set the date toend repeating.• Expiry: set when the event will be deletedfrom the calendar.4. Press <Options> and select Save.Entering a new anniversary1. Select a date on the calendar.2. Press <Options> and select Add new →Anniversary.3. Press [Down] and enter information or changethe settings in the following entry fields:• Occasion: enter information about theanniversary.• Date: enter the date.• Alarm: select to set an alarm for theanniversary. You can set the number of daysbefore the event date and the time for thealarm to sound.• Repeat every year: select to set the phoneto remind you of the anniversary every year.4. Press <Options> and select Save.Entering a task1. Select a date on the calendar.2. Press <Options> and select Add new → Task.3. Press [Down] and enter information or changethe settings in the following entry fields:• Title: enter the title for the task.• Task: enter the task content.• Start date: enter the starting date.• Due date: enter the ending date.• Priority: select a priority level.4. Press <Options> and select Save.Entering a memo1. Press <Options> and select Add new → Memo.2. Enter the memo text and press [Down].3. Enter the date and press .4. Press <Options> and select Save.Viewing an eventSquare brackets on a calendar date indicate the typeof events scheduled for that day:1. Select a date on the calendar to display theevents for that day. The list of events displays.The following icons indicate the type of event:• Green: schedule • Red: anniversary• Blue: task • Orange: memo• Scheduled events • Anniversaries• Tasks • Memos