Health and safety information786. Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; ifpossible, place calls when you are not movingor before pulling into traffic. Try to plan callswhen your car will be stationary. If you needto make a call while moving, dial only a fewnumbers, check the road and your mirrors,then continue.7. Do not engage in stressful or emotionalconversations that may be distracting. Makethe people with whom you are talking awarethat you are driving and suspendconversations that have the potential todivert your attention from the road.8. Use your wireless phone to call for help. Dialthe emergency number in the case of fire,traffic accident or medical emergencies.Remember, it is a free call on your wirelessphone!9. Use your wireless phone to help others inemergencies. If you see a car accident, crimein progress or other serious emergency wherelives are in danger, call the emergencynumber, as you would want others to do foryou.10.Call roadside assistance or a specialnonemergency wireless assistance numberwhen necessary. If you see a broken-downvehicle posing no serious hazard, a brokentraffic signal, a minor traffic accident whereno one appears injured, or a vehicle you knowto be stolen, call roadside assistance or anyother special nonemergency wireless number.Operating EnvironmentRemember to follow any special regulations inforce in any area and always switch off yourphone whenever it is forbidden to use it, or whenit may cause interference or danger.When connecting the phone or any accessory toanother device, read its user’s guide for detailedsafety instructions. Do not connect incompatibleproducts.As with other mobile radio transmittingequipment, users are advised that for thesatisfactory operation of the equipment and forthe safety of personnel, it is recommended thatthe equipment should only be used in the normaloperating position (held to your ear with theantenna pointing over your shoulder).