943. Click the Install button to begin installation.Tip: You can also download the latest version of ActiveSync from theMicrosoft web site, http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/help/synchronize/device-synch.mspx .Important!: If the ActiveSync option is grayed out, the application is alreadyinstalled. Uninstall any previously installed version beforecompleting this installation.4. Launch the setup program and follow the instructions onthe screen. When installation completes, theSynchronization Setup Wizard connects your phone to thecomputer, to set up a partnership.Note: When installation completes, the ActiveSync icon displays on thetaskbar.Note: Synchronization automatically begins the first time your device isconnected to your computer.All the selected synchronization items are copied from your computerto your device, and Windows Explorer creates a shortcut to the Mobiledrive.Setting Up and Configuring ActiveSync1. After you’ve installed ActiveSync, connect one end of theUSB data cable to the jack on the upper right side of yourphone and the other end to a USB port on your computer.Your computer assigns a different profile to each devicethat is connected to it through the ActiveSync application.2. Select Next to setup the sync partnership between the PCand your device.+