Customization and Navigation 5Customizing Your Today Screen Theme1. From the Today screen, press the Start key ( ) toactivate the Start menu.2. Select Settings ( ) ➔ Personal tab ➔ Today ( ).3. Select your new theme from the list.• The default theme is At&t black.4. Press or select to save your new settings andreturn to the previous screen.5. Press or select to return to the Today screen.Customizing Your Today Screen Item Listing1. From the Today screen, press the Start key ( ) toactivate the Start menu.2. Select Settings ( ) ➔ Personal tab ➔ Today ( ) ➔Items tab.3. Select the box adjacent to those items that will appear onthe Today screen. A check mark appears in the selectedbox.• Remove these items by selecting their boxes again, thus removingthe check mark from each item.4. Position each item (from top to bottom) on the list byselecting the item (not its box). The item becomeshighlighted.5. Select the Move Up/Move Down button to re-position thehighlighted item in the list.6. Press or select to save your new settings andreturn to the previous screen.7. Press or select to return to the Today screen.Customizing Your Theme1. From the Todayscreen, press theStart key ( ) toactivate the Startmenu.2. Select Settings( ) ➔ Personaltab ➔ Theme( ).