Guide to Safe and Responsible Wireless Phone Use132exposures are limited by Federal CommunicationsCommission safety guidelines that were developedwith the advice of FDA and other federal health andsafety agencies. When the phone is located atgreater distances from the user, the exposure to RF isdrastically lower because a person’s RF exposuredecreases rapidly with increasing distance from thesource. The so-called “cordless phones” which havea base unit connected to the phone wiring in ahouse, typically operate at far lower per levels, andthus produce RF exposures far below the FCC safetylimits.What are the results of the research done already?The research done thus far has produced conflictingresults, and many studies have suffered from flaws intheir research methods. Animal experimentsinvestigating the effects of radio frequency energy(RF) exposures characteristic of wireless phones haveyielded conflicting results that often cannot berepeated in other laboratories. A few animal studies,however, have suggested that low levels of RF couldAccelerate the development of cancer in laboratoryanimals. However, many of the studies that showedincreased tumor development used animals thathad been genetically engineered or treated withcancer-causing chemicals so as to be pre-disposedto develop cancer in absence of RF exposure. Otherstudies exposed the animals to RF for up to 22 hoursper day. These conditions are not similar to theconditions under which people use wireless phones,