Guide to Safe and Responsible Wireless Phone Use136SAR information on this model phone is on file withthe FCC and can be found under the Display Grantsection of after searching on FCC ID A3LSGHX426.What has FDA done to measure the radio frequency energycoming from wireless phones?The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) is developing a technical standard formeasuring the radio frequency energy (RF) exposurefrom wireless phones and other wireless hand setswith the participation and leadership of FDA scientistsand engineers. The standard, “RecommendedPractice for Determining the Spatial-Peak SpecificAbsorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due toWireless Communications Devices: ExperimentalTechniques,” sets forth the first consistent testmethodology for measuring the rate at which RF isdeposited in the heads of wireless phone users. Thetest method uses a tissue-simulating model of thehuman head. Standardized SAR test methodology isexpected to greatly improve the consistency ofmeasurements made at different laboratories on thesame phone. SAR is the measurement of the amountof energy absorbed in tissue, either by the wholebody or a small part of the body. It is measured inwatts/kg (or milliwatts/g) of matter. This measurementis used to determine whether a wireless phonecomplies with safety guidelines.