Messages633. When your message is complete, press the Optionssoft key. The following options are available:Send: sends the message. The message is deletedafter sending.Save and Send: saves a copy of the message to yourOutbox, then sends the message.Save: saves the message to your Outbox so that itcan be sent later.For more information about the Text Formatting, AddObjects, Add Templates, Add Phonebook, andLanguage options, see “Creating a Message Usingthe Options” on page 63.1. Select Send or Save and Send and press the Selectsoft key.2. If you select a save option, choose the memorylocation and press the OK soft key.3. Enter a destination number and press the OK soft key.The message is sent.Note: When the phone fails to send the message, it asks you if you want toretry. Press the OK soft key to confirm. Otherwise, press the Exit soft key toreturn to the message screen.Creating a Message Using the Options1. Create your message.2. Press the Options soft key.3. Select one of the following options: