Recent Calls 53Data Volume Recent Calls• Last Call: view the duration of your last call.• Total Made: view the duration of the Calls Made.• Total Received: view the duration of the total of your CallsReceived.• Life Time: view the duration of all calls on your phone sinceactivation (Life time timers cannot be erased).• Reset Timers: resets timer.3. Press the number of the option you wish to enter, or usethe navigation key to highlight the option and press theSelect soft key or the key.Data VolumeThis menu lets you track how much data you have transmitted andreceived. The following options are available:• Recent Volume: the amount of data sent and received since thelast time the Data Volume tracker was reset.• Total Volume: the total amount of data you have transmitted orreceived.• Reset Volume: option used to reset the data volume trackers.You must first enter the phone password and then press the OKsoft key.Data Call TimeThis menu lets you view the timers for data calls you made andreceived. The following timers are available:• Recent Time: length of the last data call.• Total Time: total length of all data calls you made since the timerwas last reset.• Reset Timers: option used to reset the data call timers. Youmust first enter the phone password and then press the OK softkey.