Appendix174Using the high contrast keyboardIncrease the size of the Samsung keyboard and change the key colours to increase thecontrast between the text and the background.On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Accessibility → Vision, and then tap the High contrastkeyboard switch to activate it.Displaying button shapesDisplay button shapes with shaded backgrounds to make them stand out.On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Accessibility → Vision, and then tap the Show buttonshapes switch to activate it.Using a magnifierActivate a magnifier to zoom in on the screen to view a larger version of the content.On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Accessibility → Vision → Magnifier window, and thentap the switch to activate it. The magnifier will appear on the screen.Drag the magnifier to where you want to zoom in on the screen.Magnifying the screenMagnify the screen and zoom in on a specific area.On the Apps screen, tap Settings → Accessibility → Vision → Magnification gestures, andthen tap the switch to activate it.• Zooming in and out: Quickly tap the screen three times to zoom in on a specific area.Quickly tap the screen three times again to return to the normal view.• Exploring the screen by scrolling: Drag two or more fingers across the magnified screen.• Adjusting zoom ratio: Pinch two or more fingers on the magnified screen or spread themapart.