Movie & TV ShowsMovie & TV ShowsFeatured RecommendedFavorites Featured Movies TV Shows" The displayed image may differ depending on the model.Use the Movies & TV Shows feature to purchase and watch movies and TV shows without a DVD/Blu-ray player. Movies & TV Shows is a content aggregator that lets users enjoy movies and TV showsoffered by various applications. However, not all the Movies & TV Shows options may be availabledepending on the content you are trying to access or your region.The following options are available at the bottom of the Movies & TV Shows screen:● Favorites: Manage your favorite contents while watching a movie or TV program.● Featured: Search featured movies and TV programs by category.● Movies: Search movies by the release date, popularity, or genre.● TV Shows: Search TV programs by the air date, popularity, or genre.Custom Recommendations ListIf you are using Movies & TV Shows for the first time or you have not logged into your Samsungaccount, new and popular movies and TV shows will be shown in the Recommended list. Try thecustom recommendations list, which makes custom recommendations based on the contents accessedthrough Movies & TV Shows.