Dedicated Recording Device SetupAfter connecting an external storage device, it must be configured as a dedicated Recorded TV devicebefore the Schedule Recording and Timeshift features can be used.Initial Setup11 Press the button to launch Smart Hub. Select Recorded TV from the bottom of the On TV orPhotos, Videos & Music screen to display a list of connected devices. Select the device you wishto use. A popup window appears.21 Select Yes. From the Device Format screen, you can format the device to a system compatible forvideo recording. Note that formatting the device erases all existing data.31 Once formatting is complete, test the device to see if it supports the recording and Timeshiftfunctions. Once testing is complete, the device is ready for use with the Schedule Recordingand Timeshift functions. A test failure indicates that the selected device cannot be used as adedicated recording device. Select a different device.Dedicated Recording Device ManagementManage the external storage device that has been configured as the dedicated recording device.11 Press the button to launch Smart Hub. Select Recorded TV from the bottom of the On TV orPhotos, Videos & Music screen to display a list of connected devices. Select the device you wishto use. A popup window appears.21 Select Options from the top of the screen and then Manage Device.The following options are available from the Manage Device screen:● Format Device: Format the external storage device to a system compatible for video recording.● Check Device: Check if the external storage device uses a system compatible for video recording.● Device Performance Test: Test the external storage device to see if it supports the recording andTimeshift functions.● Default Recording Device: If there are multiple external storage devices connected to the TV, youcan designate a default device to use with the recording and Timeshift functions.