Call functions20Making a call from the recent calllogsThe phone stores up the calls you have dialed,received, or missed chronologically. The last call issaved in the first position.To recall any of these numbers:1. In Standby mode, press the SEND key to accesscall logs. The list of recent calls displays.2. Press the Navigation keys, or the Volume keyson the left side of the phone until you find thenumber you want.3. Press the SEND key to dial the highlightednumber.Making a call from ContactsYou can store the phone numbers you calledregularly in the phone’s memory, which is called“Contacts”. You then simply recall the number bypressing the OK key and selecting from theContacts list.Speed dialingOnce you have stored phone numbers from yourPhonebook list, you can set up speed dial entriesand then dial them easily whenever you want,simply by pressing the associated numeric key.To speed dial, in Standby mode, enter a speeddialing number you have set and press the SENDkey to dial the number. You can also press the firstdigit briefly, then hold down the second digit of thespeed dialing number.Call functions21Pause dialingWhen you call an automated system, like abanking service, you are often required to enter apassword or account number. Instead of manuallyentering the numbers each time, you can storethe numbers in your Contacts, separated bypauses.There are 2 kinds of pauses that can be enteredon your phone:• P pause: A hard pause stops the dialingsequence until you press the SEND key.• T pause: A 2-second pause stops the dialingsequence for two seconds and thenautomatically sends the remaining digits.Storing pauses in a Contacts entryTo store a number in your Contacts that containspauses:1. In Standby mode, enter a phone number youwant to store, such as the bank’s teleservicephone number.2. Press the Options soft key.3. Select the required pause type and press theOK soft key.• P Pause. The letter “P” displays, meaningthat a hard pause will occur at that point inthe dialing sequence.• T Pause. The letter “T” displays, meaningthat a “2-second” pause will occur at thatpoint in the dialing sequence.4. Enter the digits that need to follow the pause,such as your account number.