40On DemandThe On Demand feature from Sprint Power Visionmakes it easier than ever to retrieve the mostpopular Web information and categories instantly.On Demand uses the ZIP code you provide tocustomize the content it retrieves to your area, soyou can get the information you want, when youwant it.On Demand acts like a PC browser’s customizedhome page, displaying a variety of top categoriessuch as News, Sports, Weather, Money, Movies,and more, tailored to your preferred area. Thesecategories and the associated information areupdated continuously throughout the day, so you’llalways be up-to-date and in-the-know. In additionto presenting a number of fixed categories, OnDemand also offers optional categories you canselect (for an additional monthly charge), allowingyou faster access to the information you reallywant.41Missed AlertsThere are several ways your Sprint PCS Phonealerts you of missed events.