Section 2A: Phone Basics 37Phone Basics If you accidentally activate a menu option, press and holdto exit and return to the standby screen.Example 2: If you wanted to open the main menu and then accessthe Camera screen using only the scroll functionality:Note: Pressing the upper-right, releasing, and then scrolling down opensthe menu Options screen. The key is to press and scroll in a single motion.Note: You cannot scroll across the menu screen diagonally, doing sowould equate to a single press of the Right Softkey and Back keywhich would return you to the standby screen.Single PressScroll (Touch & Drag)1 23MENUBACK ENDMENUBACK ENDExample 1END38 Section 2A: Phone Basics1. Single press to access the main menu. The default menuselection is Missed Alerts.2. In a single motion, press and scroll across along the top orbottom of the Navigation Pad.3. In a single motion, press and scroll down the left or right of theNavigation Pad until the Pics/Videos option is highlighted.4. Press to launch the Camera.Note: If your screen goes dark, press the OK/Enter key located in thecenter of the Navigation Pad to turn the screen back on.MENUSingle PressScroll (Touch & Drag)2 13MENUBACK ENDMENUBACK ENDMENUBACK ENDMENUBACK ENDExample 2oror