178_ Video Monitoringvideo monitoringDouble-click or select a DVR to register, and press < >.Necessary information including model name, IP address, IP port, HTTP, MAC address or channel will be filledautomatically.Provide a DVR name in [DVR].Check the [Whether to Use] option.If [Whether to Use] is not checked, you will not connect to the DVR. This option can be unchecked if you intend not touse a specific DVR temporarily. However, registering a camera doesn’t allow you to check all the events related tothe camera.Enter the log-in ID in [Login ID].Enter the password in [Password].The default ID is “admin”, and the password is defaulted to “4321”.Only those user accounts who have the “live view” and “monitoring” permissions can enable the video monitoring.The other fields are optional. Provide information if necessary.From the tool bar, click < >.DVR SETTINGS [CHANGE]From the top menu bar, select [Video] > [DVR Settings].4.J 5.6.J 7.8.J 9.10.1.