73724. Select high or low priority using the key andthe Select soft key.5. Enter your deadline.6. Press the OK soft key.Editing the To Do ListIf tasks are already defined in the To Do List when youselect the To Do List menu option (5.2), the currentcontents are displayed with the associated priority andstatus mark. The following options are available.To... Then...View the details • Highlight the task.for a specific task • Press the View soft key.• Press the key.Change the status • Highlight the task.of a specific task • Press the key to mark the( or ) task as completed as of thecurrent date and time.or• Highlight the task.• Press the Options soft key.• Select the Mark option.• Select the appropriate status.Create a new task • Press the Options soft key.• Select the New option.• Enter the text, priority anddeadline for the task.Edit an existing • Highlight the task.task • Press the Options soft key.• Select the Edit option.• Change the text, priority anddeadline for the task.Once you have finished editing the memo, press theOK soft key. The following options are then availablewhen you press the Options soft key.Alarm: allows you to set the alarm to ring on thechosen day.Erase: allows you to delete the memo.Copy to: allows you to copy the memo to anotherdate.Move to: allows you to change the date and time ofthe memo.To Do List Menu 5.2This feature allows you to:• Draw up a list of tasks to be done• Assign a priority and deadline to each task• Sort the tasks by priority and status mark ( fortasks to be done, for completed tasks)Creating the To Do ListTo create the To Do List, proceed as follows.1. Press the New soft key.2. Enter the first task.Note: You can enter up to 48 characters. Forfurther details on how to enter characters,see page 31.3. Press the OK soft key.OOrrggaanniizzeerrOOrrggaanniizzeerr