113112FDA is currently working with government, industry, andacademic groups to ensure the proper follow-up to theseindustry-funded research findings. Collaboration with theCellular Telecommunications Industry Association(CTIA) inparticular is expected to lead to FDA providing researchrecommendations and scientific oversight of new CTIA-funded research based on such recommendations.Two other studies of interest have been reported recently inthe literature:1. Two groups of 18 people were exposed to simulatedmobile phone signals under laboratory conditions whilethey performed cognitive function tests. There were nochanges in the subjects’ ability to recall words, numbers,or pictures, or in their spatial memory, but they wereable to make choices more quickly in one visual testwhen they were exposed to simulated mobile phonesignals. This was the only change noted among morethan 20 variables compared. 32 . In a s tudy of 209 brain tumor cases and 425 matchedcontrols, there was no increased risk of brain tumorsassociated with mobile phone use. When tumors didexist in certain locations, however, they were morelikely to be on the side of the head where the mobilephone was used. Because this occurred in only a smallnumber of cases, the increased likelihood was too smallto be statistically significant.4In summar y, we do not have enough information at thispoint to assure the public that there are, or are not, anylow incident health problems associated with use of mobilephones. FDA continues to work with all parties, includingother federal agencies and industry, to assure that researchis undertaken to provide the necessary answers to theoutstanding questions about the safety of mobile phones.What is known about cases of human cancerthat have been reported in users of hand-heldmobile phones?Some people who have used mobile phones have beendiagnosed with brain cancer. But it is important tounderstand that this type of cancer also occurs amongpeople who have not used mobile phones. In fact, braincancer occurs in the U.S. population at a rate of about 6new cases per 100,000 people each year. At that rate,assuming 80 million users of mobile phones (a numberincreasing at a rate of about 1 million per moth), about4800 cases of brain cancer would be expected each yearamong those 80 million people, whether or not they usedtheir phones. Thus it is not possible to tell whether anyindividual’s cancer arose because of the phone, or whetherit would have happened anyway. A key question is whetherthe risk of getting a particular form of cancer is greateramong people who use mobile phones than among the restof the population. One way to answer that question is tocompare the usage of mobile phones among people withbrain cancer with the use of mobile phones amongappropriately matched people without brain cancer. This iscalled a case-control study. The current case-control studyof brain cancers by the National Cancer Institute, as wellas the follow-up research to be sponsored by industry, willbegin to generate this type of information.What is FDA’s role concerning the safety ofmobile phones?Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of radiation-emitting consumer products such as mobile phones beforemarketing, as it does with new drugs or medical devices.However, the agency has authority to take action if mobilephones are shown to emit radiation at a level that ishazardous to the user. In such a case, FDA could require themanufacturers of mobile phones to notify users of thehealth hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones sothat the hazard no longer exists.