O P E R AT I O NEnglish - 35Labeling the ChannelsUse this feature to assign an easy-to-remember label to any channel (i.e., “CBS”,“ESPN”, “PBS2”, “CNN1”, etc.). A label consists of five fields, where each field is aletter, a number or a blank. When the INFO button is pressed, the channel label willappear next to the channel number.2Press the … or † buttonto select “Name”, thenpress the ENTER button.Press the … or † buttonto select the channel tobe assigned to a newname, then press theENTER button.Press the … or † buttonto select a letter, anumber or a blank.(Results in this sequence:A...Z, 0...9, +, -, ✽, /,blank.)Press the √ button toswitch to the next field,which will be selected.Select a second letter ordigit by pressing the … or† button, as above.Repeat the process toselect the last three digits.When you have finished,press the MENU or ENTERbutton. Press the œ or √button to select “OK”, thenpress the ENTER button toassign the new name.To erase the assigned newname, select “Clear” bypressing the œ or √ button,then press the ENTERbutton.Press the EXIT button toexit.œ If you add or delete the TVchannel, the correspondinglabel information will alsobe added or deleted.1Press the MENU button.Press the ▲ or ▼ buttonto select “Channel”, thenpress the ENTER button.Antenna : Air √Auto Program √Add / Delete √Favorite Channels √Name √Fine Tune √Signal Strength √LNA : On √T V ChannelAntenna : Air √Auto Program √Add / Delete √Favorite Channels √Name √Fine Tune √Signal Strength √LNA : On √T V NameOKAir 6 ClearAir 7 ClearAir 9 ClearAir 11 ClearAir 13 Clear†T V Channel_▼▼T V NameOKAir 6 ClearAir 7 ClearAir 9 ClearAir 11 ClearAir 13 Clear†