Editing a Favorites ListMENU > Broadcasting > Edit FavoritesYou can rename and edit Favorites lists.Edit Favorites Screen Menu ItemsSelect Options on the Edit Favorites screen to access the following options:● Copy to FavoritesCopy channels from one favorite channels list to another. Refer to the "Copying Channels fromOne Favorites list to Another" section for more information." You can use Copy to Favorites only if you have registered one or more channels to at least oneFavorites list.● Rename FavoritesRename an existing favorite channels list. Refer to the "Renaming a Favorites List" section formore information." You can use Rename only if you have registered one or more channels to at least one Favorites list.● AntennaChoose between Air and Cable.● Edit ChannelLets you manage the channels saved on the TV. For more information, refer to "Registering,Removing, and Editing Channels".● InformationView detailed information about the current program.